Committee members:

Alberto Veronesi
Chair of the Comitato Promotore delle Celebrazione Pucciniane
Antonio Parente, Director-General for the Performance Directorate at the Italian Ministry of Culture;
Mauro Antonelli, representing the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit;
Alessandra Gallone, representative of the Ministry of Universities and Research;
Eugenio Giani, President of the Region of Tuscany;
Luca Menesini, Presidente della Provincia di Lucca;
Mario Pardini, Mayor of Lucca;
Giorgio Del Ghingaro, Mayor of Viareggio;
Andrea Bonfanti, Mayor of Pescaglia;
Paolo Spadaccini, Chair of the Fondazione Festival Pucciniano;
Giovanni Godi, Chair of the Fondazione Simonetta Puccini per Giacomo Puccini;
Virgilio Bernardoni, representing the Chair of the Centro Studi Giacomo Puccini;
Giuseppe Sala, Chair della Fondazione Teatro alla Scala and its representative Andre Comploi;
Ilaria Del Bianco, Chair of the Associazione Lucchesi nel Mondo;
Claudio Buja, President of the music publishers Ricordi;
Pierluigi Ledda, President of the Ricordi Archives;
Luigi Viani, representative of the Chair of the Fondazione Giacomo Puccini;
Gabriella Biagi Ravenni e Michele Girardi,representatives of Italian and European Culture and Music, experts in the life and works of Giacomo Puccini;
Luciano Fazzi, Committee Treasurer;
Alberto de Gregorio Committee Auditor.
Administrative Office: Part of the administration of the Coordinating Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Via della Mercede, 9 – 00187 Rome, Italy
Technical Office: Fabrizio Petruzzi and Beniamino Placido
Sede Operativa: Palazzo delle Muse, Piazza Mazzini, 55049 Viareggio (LU)
Accounting situation 2023
Puccini Celebrations Committee Report 2023
2023 financial statement report
President’s Report 2023
Auditor’s Statement Report 2023
Regulation for the operation of the Puccini Celebrations Promoting Committee.
DPCM (22/08/22)
Minutes of the meetings of the Comitato Promotore delle Celebrazioni Pucciniane
Minutes of the founding meeting (10/10/22)
Meeting minutes II (18/10/22)
Meeting minutes III (03/11/22)
Meeting minutes IV (09/11/22)
Meeting minutes V (25/11/22)
Meeting minutes VI (28/11/22)
Meeting minutes VII (05/12/22)
Meeting minutes VIII (07/12/22)
Meeting minutes IX (09/12/22)
Meeting minutes X (16/12/22)
Meeting minutes XI (23/12/22)
Meeting minutes XII (29/12/22)
Meeting minutes XIII (27/01/23)
Meeting minutes XIV (28/02/23)
Meeting minutes XV (13/03/23)
Meeting minutes XVI (20/03/23)
Meeting minutes XVII (31/03/23)
Meeting minutes XVIII (28/04/23)
Meeting minutes XIX (25/05/23)
Meeting minutes XIX BIS (31/05/23)
Meeting minutes XIX TRIS (07/06/23)
Meeting minutes XX (23/06/23)
Meeting minutes XXI (04/07/23)
Meeting minutes XXII (27/07/23)
Meeting minutes XXIII (29/08/23)
Meeting minutes XXIV (08/09/23)
Meeting minutes XXV (09/10/23)
Meeting minutes XXVI (23/10/23)
Meeting minutes XXVII (24/11/23)
Meeting minutes XXVIII (22/12/23)
Meeting minutes XXIX (17/01/24)
Meeting minutes XXX (08/02/24): The meeting was duly convened and held but, as it could not be minuted due to technical problems, the resolutions were then repeated and re-voted at the XXX bis meeting.
Meeting minutes XXX bis (15/02/24)
Meeting minutes XXXI (19/02/24)
Meeting minutes XXXII (05/03/24)
Meeting minutes XXXIII (26/03/24)
Meeting minutes XXXIIIBis (12/04/24)
Meeting minutes XXXIV (19/04/24)
Meeting minutes XXXV (30/04/24)
Meeting minutes XXXVI (30/05/24)
Meeting minutes XXXVII (06/06/24)
Meeting minutes XXXVIII (21/06/24)
Meeting minutes XLIII (17/10/24)
Meeting minutes XLIV (22/10/24)
Meeting minutes XLV (25/11/24)
Meeting minutes XLVI (17/12/24)
Meeting minutes XLVII (20/12/24)
Letter of invitation for the assignment of the Press Office service of the Promoting Committee of the Puccini Celebrations
Tender Results
Expression of interest for a contribution to facilitate access for young people under 30 to Puccini operas organized by Italian theaters and opera foundations
Tender Results
Expression of interest for projects to “promote the figure of Giacomo Puccini e for the digitization of Giacomo Puccini’s archival heritage”
Tender Results
Meeting minutes XXXVIII (21/06/24)
Meeting minutes XXXIX (23/07/2024)
Public Notice for the collection of project proposals related to the protection of Puccini sites.
Tender Results
Expression of interest for the search of an economic operator for the development of Puccini100 Telematic App for iOS/Android, for the production of recorded music and video/audio of Giacomo Puccini.
Tender Results
Public Notice for the collection of profiles of economic operators related to the Media Center activity for the Puccini Celebrations Promoting Committee.
Tender Results
Meeting minutes XX (23/06/23)
Meeting minutes XXV (09/10/23)
Questions related to the Public Notice for the collection of profiles of economic operators for the Media Center activity of the Puccini Celebrations Promoting Committee.
1. The UNI ISO 27001:2013 certification, which is requested to be submitted with the application, can it be provided later as soon as it is issued to the candidate company?
Answer: No, the resolution regarding the call for proposals requires that the certification be transmitted with the application by the deadline.
2. In the case where the corporate group is capable of providing all the required services through specialized companies, is the prohibition of subcontracting still applicable? Or can the controlling company (which possesses all the general requirements and professional suitability indicated in the notice) be utilized solely for the execution of services that characterize the purpose of its subsidiaries?
The answer to this question is provided in the same call for proposals, in Article 4:
The proposing entity can also consist of multiple entities, as long as they operate within a shared planning framework and with a unified administrative and management reference, such as a temporary association of purpose, temporary grouping of companies, or similar, even to be established. For the purpose of participating in this notice, the aggregations of entities must identify a lead entity with the role of proposing entity responsible for all implementation phases. In the latter case, the lead entity must provide documented evidence of the aggregation to which it belongs, in addition to issuing a surety bond equal to the amount of resources made available.
Essentially, the nature of the Committee itself and the variety of services it may request from the candidate company are determining factors. Once the lead entity meets the requirements, any association of companies, even to be established, can be considered. Furthermore, considering the nature of the Committee and the open-ended project involving various aspects, subcontracting is prohibited for core services but allowed for any other aspect.
Public Notice of the call for tenders for protecting places associated with Puccini
Tender Results
Meeting minutes XXXI (19/02/24)
Commission Results
Opinion regarding the value-added tax paid on expenses subject to contribution
Questions relating to the “Public Notice of the call for tenders for protecting the places associated with Puccini”
1. Regarding the places and potential works required, would it be possible to hold art exhibitions within the places associated with Puccini?
Answer: Art exhibitions or other valorisation events could be held within the places associated with Puccini. In order to score the tender correctly, the tenderer must specify which place associated with Puccini they wish to use for this purpose and confirm that they have obtained appropriate consent.
2. Regarding the parties who are eligible funding, can you provide more details under point 5 “Any other party in legal form who is classed as the operator of a place associated with Puccini”? Who is classed as the operator of the places associated with Puccini?
Answer: The operators are classed as those who own or act as guardians for the following types of properties:
- Giacomo Puccini’s homes
- museums that are currently open or planned to open
- musical organisations with proven aims to continuing Puccini’s musical legacy
- destinations linked to Puccini’s family, his studies, his musical work, his free time and his life in general
- performance sites with particular links (historical theatres, theatres where premieres were performed, dedicated festivals) to Giacomo Puccini.
Expression of interest for organisers of events relating to the opening of the Celebrazioni Pucciniane 2023/24
Tender Results
Questions relating to the “Expression of interest for organisers of events relating to the opening of the Celebrazioni Pucciniane 2023/24”.
– point 4) include professional figures with recognised qualifications in music, accountancy, and the technical and organisational spheres.
– point 11) – have well-established, active social media platforms with an appropriate number of followers.
Question: Is it essential that we fulfil these requirements prior to sending our expression of interest, or can this be done after sending it?
Answer:The requirements in point 4) (professional figures) and point 11) (social media) form part of the scoring system. If you cannot fulfil these requirements when the expression of interest is sent, they will not count towards your score.